These are all the books I read in 2007.  If a title is in blue, it wasn't the first time I'd read it.  There are markedly fewer books this year; I didn't count any child-care books or magazines I'd read.

  1. Everything's Eventual (Stephen King)
  2. Fun Home (Alison Bechdel)
  3. Our Cancer Year (Harvey Pekar & Joyce Brabner)
  4. Cancer Vixen (Marisa Acocella Marchetto)
  5. Live From New York (James A. Miller & Tom Shales)
  6. Pure Imagination (Josh Young & Mel Stuart)
  7. Gifted Hands (Ben Carson, M.D. & Cecil Murphey)
  8. The Kitchen God's Wife (Amy Tan)
  9. The Know-It-All (A.J. Jacobs)
  10. The Plague and I (Betty MacDonald)
  11. Barrel Fever (David Sedaris)
  12. The Thorn of Lion City (Lucy Lum)
  13. The Stepford Wives (Ira Levin)
  14. The Nasty Bits (Tony Bourdain)
  15. I Feel Bad About My Neck (Nora Ephron)
  16. Dark at the Roots (Sarah Thyre)
  17. Killed Cartoons (David Wallis, ed.)
  18. Don't Get Too Comfortable (David Rakoff)
  19. Hapa Girl (May-Lee Chai)
  20. Foreign Babes in Beijing (Rachel Dewoskin)
  21. Educating Alice (Alice Steinbach)
  22. Look Me In The Eye (John Elder Robison)
  23. My Lobotomy (Howard Dully with Charles Fleming)
  24. Kabul Beauty School (Deborah Rodriguez)
  25. Lions and Tigers and Crocs, Oh My! (Stephan Pastis)
  26. Jesus Land (Julia Scheeres)

Fiction:  4 (15%) Nonfiction:  22 (85%) Japan/Japanese-related:  0 (0%)
Manga:  0 (0%) Linguistics-related:  0 (0%) Repeat reads:  4 (15%)

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